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335 weeks ago

Beneath The Planet Of The Apes In Hindi Download > DOWNLOAD

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The sole survivor of an interplanetary rescue mission searches for the only survivor of the previous expedition. He discovers a planet ruled by apes and an underground city run by telepathic humans.
Astronaut Brent is sent to rescue Taylor but crash lands on the Planet of the Apes, just like Taylor did in the original film. Taylor has disappeared into the Forbidden Zone so Brent and Nova try to follow and find him. He discovers a cult of humans that fear the Apes' latest military movements and finds himself in the middle. Tension mounts to a climactic battle between ape and man deep in the bowels of the planet. Sequel to "Planet of the Apes." Film 2 of the series of 5
Poor old Brent(James Franciscus).Thrust into a nightmare of apocalyptic proportions (when he is suffering from piles.) Brent has landed on future Earth, seeking Taylor. He finds a cult society of mutants living underground who worship a Doomsday Bomb. (He takes time out to wonder if he has left the iron on at home.) Anyway,he finds Taylor and they are forced to knock the stuffing out of each other in a brawl,(Brent wonders if he remembered to lock his back door before he left Earth.) They manage to escape and have to de-fuse the Doomsday Bomb. A gunfight ensues and Taylor is mortally wounded. (Brent tries to remember if he's fed his cat back home). Brent is shot in the forehead and riddled with bullets, ( he wonders if he cancelled his subscription to Playboy) and dies. A fantastic, downbeat movie.
I really enjoyed the second part in the saga. Of course, it's not as good as the original but it nonetheless retains the sense of adventure and discovery of it predecessor and builds on it. Great makeup, special effects, and location photography augment the fine acting and continued exploration of the fundamental questions facing humankind (and apekind). The seeming finality of the conclusion demand that the viewer see the next installment. Terrific entertainment: 8/10.
This sequel to Planet of the Apes isn't bad, but degenerates the original conception into routine comic strip adventure.
Following the trajectory made by Taylor&#39;s spaceship, another astronaut named Brent (<a href="/name/nm0002082/">James Franciscus</a>) crashlands on the planet of the apes in the year 3955AD and goes in search of Taylor (<a href="/name/nm0000032/">Charlton Heston</a>), who has gone missing in the Forbidden Zone. While trying to escape from a band of gorilla soldiers led by the war hungry Ursus (<a href="/name/nm0339834/">James Gregory</a>), Brent and Nova (<a href="/name/nm0365709/">Linda Harrison</a>) stumble upon a subterranean fortress where a cult of humans are hiding. Meanwhile, the gorilla army has decided to invade the Forbidden Zone and kill all remaining humans, because &quot;the only good human is a dead human!&quot; Beneath the Planet of the Apes is a sequel to <a href="/title/tt0063442/">Planet of the Apes (1968)</a> (1968), which was based on the 1963 novel La Planète des Singes by French writer Pierre Boulle. The screenplay for Beneath the Planet of the Apes is credited to Paul Dehn and Mort Abrahams. A novelization of the film by American writer Michael Avallone was released in 1970. Beneath the Planet of the Apes was followed by three more sequels: <a href="/title/tt0067065/">Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1971)</a> (1971), <a href="/title/tt0068408/">Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972)</a> (1972), and <a href="/title/tt0069768/">Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973)</a> (1973). Besides Taylor and Nova, chimpanzees Zira (<a href="/name/nm0001375/">Kim Hunter</a>) and Cornelius (<a href="/name/nm0914569/">David Watson</a>) put in an appearance as does orangutan Dr Zaius (<a href="/name/nm0263052/">Maurice Evans</a>). The gorilla army discovers the subterranean passage and descends upon the city of mutant humans, clubbing or gunning down everyone who gets in the way. Still confined in their cell, Brent, Taylor, and Nova hear the gunfire and break out. While sneaking down the corridor, they come face-to-face with a gorilla, whom they are able to kill but not before he guns down Nova. Brent and Taylor make their way to the cathedral where Zaius and the gorilla army are confronted by Mendez (<a href="/name/nm0724268/">Paul Richards</a>), who introduces them to his God…the doomsday bomb. He activates the bomb but is unable to hit the detonator before being gunned down. Ursus orders his gorillas to pull down the bomb with rope, block, and tackle, and the bomb begins to emit steam. Brent detracts Ursus when he goes to hit the detonator in an attempt to stop the steam. Zaius notices Taylor hiding behind a pillar, and Ursus shoots him. Brent then shoots Ursus. Crawling toward the detonator, Taylor asks for Zaius&#39; help, but Zaius refuses. &quot;Man is evil…capable of nothing but destruction,&quot; he charges. Brent picks up a gun and shoots down a few gorillas but is ultimately shot dead by them. In the final scene, Taylor reaches for the detonator and pushes it. The screen goes white, and a voiceover says: In one of the countless billions of galaxies in the universe lies a medium-sized star. And one of its satellites, a green and insignificant planet, is now dead.
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